Tuesday, June 14, 2011


The First Couple are for Sean

Here is the Heat Transfer Machine in the Print Shop.  makes a print on a piece of paper that is set and then later pressed into the shirt
 Shirts coming out of the dryer
 The six screen six station standing press!
 Heat transfer from the paper onto the shirt
 The final product
 My Room
 The books I am reading all at once haha
 We live simply, no furniture, tv, radio, well pretty much anything besides a mattress and books
The lights don't work in my bathroom so I had to buy a plug in light and hang it from the ceiling, also my toilet tends to not keep water in the tank so it has to fill before you flush everytime.  Oh and my shower curtain is resting on a quarter inch piece of tile on either side so occasionally it falls down :) 
 My housemate David, we spent three hours yesterday fixing the dishwasher and garbage disposal and hole in our ceiling and the drain in his shower and the drain in his sink...  they all work now though 

 Smelly water mixed with really old clogged food from the previous residents
 The bosses at breakfast (george left will right)
 The Telford House, aka my house
Lastly across the street from me this is "the Pink house" for obvious reasons.  It is home-base for the Timothy Initiative


  1. The key, though, is: Do you have air conditioning???

  2. Haha yea we do have air conditioning and that is key!!!
